5 mornings of chi cultivation as we harness the energy of spring (eros) in our 3 energetic centers and balance with continuous, easeful movement that can be easily remembered for continued practice.
Daily, 9-10am, online. Monday-Friday, February 8-12. + evening discussion Feb. 12 6-7:30pm
Recordings will be available for all registrants, open ended.
Cost: sliding scale: $150 / $110 / $85 / $60 (scholarship available on request)
Imbolc is probably the least celebrated holiday in following the tradition of honoring the seasons, but perhaps one of the most important. Referred to as Brigid’s Day, the Celtic goddess of hearth, healing, childbirth, and metal-smithing, we honor the promise of the coming Spring. As my dear friend Meadow Evans says, “if you can come through the fires of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding, you can sure as hell swing a hammer on a forge!”
This is the time of year to ignite, clarify, and/or restore your liver fire, bringing the wishes and intentions you want to grow in the coming seasons. What wants to grow in your field? Now is the time to strengthen and begin to reach, riding on the current of yang that comes with the lengthening days.
We’ll share in this practice over the new moon (feb. 11) following Imbolc (feb. 2), which also coincides with the Chinese New Year (year of the metal ox). We’ll finish the 5 days with a group discussion on Friday, Feb. 12th, integrating what we’ve sown.
All genders, ages, bodies welcome. beginner to advanced.
no one turned away for lack of funds, please email if you are in need of scholarship.