"Be humble, for you are made of earth.
Be noble, for you are made of stars."
-Wendell Berry
some words from clients
"Frieda has been instrumental in my postpartum recovery and helping me to stay healthy while mothering. Her syrup keeps my iron up as it sweetens my tea, and I am drawn to add it to my daily life in a way so unlike the chore of taking a bitter pill. Pregnancy took a big toll on my liver and kidneys and Frieda’s custom formulations have worked to deeply nourish and repair my body beyond my hopes. Frieda is an extraordinarily present and gifted healer. She embodies traditional medicine at its best - practical, humble, accessible, deeply rooted. My child has a strong and fiery temperament with a tendency toward dry itchy skin and overextension. Frieda’s consultations have been amazing for us - blending the energetic, dietary, and herbal into a comprehensive picture that has helped us through food allergies, eczema, anemia and behavioral changes. She has become my go-to resource for all child health issues." ~Leah
"i became interested in Frieda's offerings when i first saw she'd lead an herb walk in Berkeley's Strawberry Canyon. i started getting so much from her wise notes shared in periodic emails about her Taproot Medicine work. After i saw her start offering sliding scale herbalism consultations, i decided to ask her advice on constitutional and acute condition support. She was quite thoughtful in discussing, also corresponding about questions with me over email, and in follow up about the formulas. Frieda's commitment to supporting health, of individual clients and as a habitat steward, has impressed me, and her suggestions have contributed to my systemic support." ~S.Q.
“Working with Frieda over the course of the past 2 years has given me so much hope. I have had a host of health issues over the years ranging from PCOS to IBS and Frieda has supported me in getting at the root of these issues and begin to turn my health around. It’s an ongoing journey, but I truly feel like I would not be where I am today without her continued, grounded support. Her custom formulas are always spot on and receiving Medical Chi Gong work has been downright magical! Highly Recommended!” -A.B.
and students…
"Frieda's Chi Class is something I look forward to every week! She guides us through a series of practices that are both energizing and grounding, and feel like a moving meditation. Frieda is a gifted teacher and she creates a space that's calm and rooted as we move through the practice. It's evident that she has many years of movement and teaching experience, and she articulates the movements in a clear and effective way. After class I feel deeply relaxed, clear and ready for my day." -T.W.
“Frieda’s Chi Gong classes are marvelous. I have felt truly supported - heart mind body and spirit. She’s an excellent teacher who makes this practice accessible, informative, relevant and deeply healing. Also, practicing under the oaks is a true delight for the senses!" -A.S.
"I love Frieda's class because it engages my mind, my heart, and my body all at once. I'm able to slow down, focus and relax. Now and then, when all of us in the circle are moving silently in synchrony, time stands still for awhile." -J.R.
“Frieda’s chi gong class will ground you down, open you up and bring to light the deep relaxation, insight, and magic inside you.” -K.M.
"Qigong with Frieda not only brings me more deeply into my body but also into harmonious relating with the living worlds beyond my body. Frieda is an amazing teacher whose diverse background really adds to her classes which I always walk away from grateful that I came." -M.E.