how to see a rainbow
I often walk out after a big rain to feel the wetness in the air, and in hopes of seeing a rainbow. This last rainstorm reminded me of the brilliance of an East Coast afternoon shower, complete with thunder and lightening. The kind of rain that really washes you clean, with big, juicy drops that don't hold back. An equinox rain, one that resets and rebalances. That makes you take big breaths, and leaves you feeling slightly new. And after, standing very still in the fading light, I look to the east and watch the slow appearance of a full rainbow, arching over the herb garden. as I stood there gazing over the garden, I couldn't help but imagine the plants felt the gift too--the healing blessing of the colorful rain. may it continue.
Outside, the bay nuts, acorns, and poplar buds have dropped early, and some plants like chicory are having a second bloom. I was even harvesting nori at the coast a few weeks ago as the warmer water this year seems to be prolonging the life of the seaweeds. I feels so important to pay attention, when things are really beginning to shift…one way of staying grounded in our evolving earth. maybe i'll see you out there, squatting over some plant or another:)
May the plants serve you well and draw you ever closer~
frieda kipar bay