tiny teachings

papa-to-be kinglet

papa-to-be kinglet

I've been gifted with a new little teacher, who now resides right outside my bedroom window.  He is quiet, and fragile, and patient.  I've been witnessing his fierce commitment to persevere, as he sits all day on his 3 little eggs, only leaving them in the setting sun to go catch crickets.  I watch him watching, paying attention as the sun moves across the sky and brings ever-changing patterns of light to his tiny eyes.  The word 'brood' is meant to describe what I witness - a male bird sitting on eggs that his partner laid - but I don't find him brooding.  I find this little bird to be wonderfully alive, and anything but unhappy.  He looks as if he knows that this is the most important moment of his little life, and he's rising to meet it with all his heart…as if he knows how fleeting peace can be, and relishing what he's got: the promise of an egg.  

elder you bring  me to my knees
lemon balm you welcome me completely
geranium you surprise me with your brightness
pomegranate~i am reverent.
fig, you inspire me to soften...
all of you ignite my heart so.
yours is the work that offers beauty and
exquisite experience of the earth ,
so that we cannot help but love the world

may you know your connection to the earth~

frieda kipar bay


the way of the blackberry


the effects of fragrant dirt